Miss Little Princess has settled in well in play-school. The initial period where she did not know what was happening and was left in play-school jolted her out of her comfort zone. The second phase was the 'clingy' phase - following us to play-school happily in the morning, but hanging on to Daddy once she was there. One might mistake her for a koala in the dimness!
As the days passed, she has got more and more used to the teachers there. These days, she gets excited and happy to greet them, going, "Hello, tea*^%!" She still cannot get the word teacher and the name out, but all the same, her teachers were glad to be acknowledged by our adorable children, especially the tiny one.
There are words and phrases, however, she has learnt that are clearly pronounced. Nobody has used these phrases too much at home, so I can only conclude that she has learnt them from school. Like the first one, "Kor kor pushing..." Poor Felix was seated across the room, minding his own business!
This lasted for quite a while. In fact, she still springs this phrase every now and then, whenever she feels 'bullied' (toys not being shared), or out of plain boredom! Rachel is not spared from the accusation too...
Then came "Ah ma, hui lai le!" in Mandarin, meaning "Grandma, I'm home!". This was from her siblings, and is pleasing. She may not know what it means, totally, as she could be home for minutes already and she is still repeating the same phrase!
The most recent one is "Daddy, can you &%^(*#@,,," Yes, I can, if only I understand your request! She could go on asking this for minutes, undaunted by the lack of response from us! This adorable little girl!
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