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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A visit to the Post Office - Rachel's class

This took place a few weeks ago.  I frequently volunteer my services to our children's school-house, helping in anyway I can.  As photography is a hobby of mine, I have asked and gone to take photographs for the children at events the school-house runs.  That day was the rehearsal of Rachel's violin perfomance, but we did not want her to miss out her Kindergarten year one's field trip to a post office.  So I went along to whisk her off straight after the visit, not after taking pictures for the class.

I reached the place and waited for the children to arrive with their class' three teachers.  Along the way to the post office, the children were told to observe the community workers and shops.  This was to allow them to better understand how everyone played a part in life.

Reaching the post office, the children were split into two groups to visit the psot office due to space constraint.  The things they did were the same - they were asked to observe what they found in the post office and asked leading questions about them; bought stamps for their own letters they had prepared earlier in school; posted the letters by slotting the envelope into the mailbox.

Parents were sent an email by the teacher later to inform us about the letter and encouraged to reply to their children, posting the letter to the school-house.  Rachel's letter took quite a while to reach us!  This was how the decorated envelope and letter looked like:

This simple activity made me think again - about how we go about the simple activities in life without explaining the mechanics to our little ones!  Do we expect that they be told of how things work by the teachers?  Perhaps it was by book or film?  Or perhaps they will be somehow enlightened when they grow up?  Ha!

I had better stop taking the many things in life for granted and start to take them on more outings to see the world soon!

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