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Sunday, July 26, 2020

No longer a complete person! - part 1

Forty.  To some, life begins at that age (however that shapes their lives).  Others find their lives settled - with their career path set out and being happily married (with or without children - their choice, really).  For me, it is the start in deterioration of my body.

Getting involved in the road-traffic accident for me at the age of twenty-one was both unlucky and lucky.  Unlucky for the obvious reasons - to have almost died and lost the ability to run and enjoy sports, to lose a possibly rewarding career in the army.  Who knows what I might have achieved if I had stayed healthy and fit?  I continue to have a dull pain in my lower back when I exert myself in that area.

However, I say I am lucky because I met the mishap at such an early stage - where my body has had time to slowly recover.  No, I will not be (and never be) back to a hundred per cent.  But it has allowed me time and space to think of and understand the situation I had been in, to understand myself and what I had faced.  And as life would have it, it led me to meeting my wife - something that could never have happened if I had stay fit and healthy.

These couple of years have made me realise that my body is slowly, but surely, deteriorating.  A few years back, I found my vision not being the same as before - I could not read things that were held close to my face well.  Presbyopia had set in a little before I had turned forty.

And just the past couple of days, it felt like there was a piece of something wedged between the tooth and the gum.  It was far back on the top left-hand side of my teeth.  Using my thumb and index finger, I tried a few times to pull the foreign object out.  I finally succeeded after numerous tries.  Peace, at last.

Or so I thought.

After a while, I experienced a dull pain and discomfort in the same place!  To be exact, it came from the last few teeth on the upper side of the teeth at the back - my molars.  Did the foreign object cause much damage already?!

I reached a finger in and touched the teeth - the one that was causing the pain shook a little from the nudging.  Not good.  This was exactly the kind of shaking I felt when a tooth was loose and about to fall out.

Oh no!  Did I have to have it extracted?

I bore with the discomfort that day, hoping for it to go away.  And like a miracle, it did!  The pain left me like it had been a dream.  Although the part where the tooth stood was still shaking, that portion was felt numb.

The day went on and all was fine.  Little did I know that it was the calm before the storm.

(To be continued...)

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