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Monday, October 25, 2010

Night milk to help us go to sleep?

I heard this from the Flying Dutchman on the morning express.  He reported that a German company has said that they found that cows milked at night 'contains high levels of "sleep hormone" melatonin'.  This is supposed to be more effective than milk from the udder of cows in the day to put people to sleep.

Thought it sounded interesting and went to the Internet to make a search.  Found the details from a page off the Internet-newspaper edition from a British tabloid The Sun.  It went on to explain that it was found that people who drank the milk were tested to have 'improved sleep patterns'.  I wonder what this meant.  Does it mean it puts people to sleep more easily?  Or if that meant people could sleep for longer periods?

It would somehow help most who have trouble sleeping, as many friends like Nelson sometimes says on Facebook that he cannot go to sleep.  It gives people who drink milk a 'warm' feeling, I guess?  Don't think it will affect me, as I 'sleep like a log' when I do fall asleep, and seldom find trouble dozing off once I lie in bed!

1 comment:

  1. I have problem sleeping at night too but I dun like milk so it doesnt work for me. Sad!
